Sunday, July 18, 2010

Home sweet home!

We finally made it to beautiful Killeen, TX. We began the day touring Hot Springs. It was nice to see the Bath houses that are in the town and also the Springs that has water that is 140 degrees. It was hot! We drank it, it was ok. Didn't compare to Poland Springs! There was a fountain that had 3 sprouts and people were filling up water bottles for their house. We asked a lady and she said that she never buys water, she always fills it up from the springs. We then looked in the trunk of her car and it was filled with empty water bottles. We then hiked a short trail, drove up a mountain to see the view from above, and then began the final leg of the trip! We arrived home to Terrence waiting for us with a beautiful sign that said, "Welcome Home Colleen and Charles! Salutations" It was so nice and made out of toilet paper. We emptied out the car and just relaxed and watched tv. The boys gave me some things to do tomorrow. Its garbage day, the house has no food, and Charles does not have many clean Army clothes left. It should be interesting! Day one of being a housewife begins tomorrow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Are you going to keep your blog up while you are away? It will keep us updated on things.